Hello hello!
Here’s our statement:
Basil came to us as a happy, healthy, well-socialized and well-behaved cute boy in October 2023. Starting off with a trustworthy relationship since the first call, Clair and Neil guided us through the entire adoption process, and it was super smooth. Even to this day, they stay approachable and supportive whenever there’s a need. Their love for Basil persists beyond Everydaystray.
We admire greatly Clair and Neil’s work for the little ones in the blue shelter. Their attentive and transparent approach fosters trust and reliability through social media, which was exactly where we found our Basil.
Each dog in Everydaystray might come with a sad story, but if you are thinking to give one their “Happy Ever After”, I would definitely recommend to just drop a line and have a chat with Clair and Neil. A wonderful journey awaits you…
Hope this helps! Feel free to drop our names or @us if needed ☺️
Have a nice evening!
Basil, Bernd and Jay 💙