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Polka is a little boy of a litter of three puppies dumped in a box next to a trash bin in Gabrovo. People just walked past the little ones as though they did not exist. Clair & Neil brought them to the shelter after they had had a vet check. They currently live in the Cloud7 quarantine area until fully vaccinated.

Polka is little but has a very cute and curious personality. He loves to play with her siblings and the toys which she sometimes shares!

Polka has a very curious little nature and loves cuddles. He is named as she has 3 little polka dots on his nose.

Polka in 3 words:Curious, Cuddly & very gentle
Age/Date of birth:7 months
Height:50 cm
Mixing with dogs:Yes
Very loving and full of fun.  Loves to play and cuddle. Polka has a very cuddly and a very gentle and beautiful nature.



You want to adopt?

That´s great! Send us a message with a short description of you and why you want to adopt this dog. As soon as we have evaluated all requests we will get back to you. We really looking forward to your message.