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Mitko was a chained dog living near to the shelter. We fed, watered and walked Mitko as his owner did not take proper care of him, even letting him live a miserable life on a short chain. We knew the owner did not want Mitko, but also knew he would be replaced by a younger more aggressive dog to protect the farm.

One day we went to feed Mitko and he was not there, only his chain and collar still attached.

A couple of days went by and Clair spotted the man who lived at the farm, asking where Mitko was. He can not speak English so our dear friend Anna helped with translation. After a few conversations the man told us that Mitko had been taken by his owner and dumped in a nearby village.

Neil and Clair searched endlessly, but there was not sign of Mitko. They were now really concerned as they both knew Mitko was not in the best of health and would be really fearful.

Anna contacted the Facebook page of the village asking for help and if anyone had seen him. The major of the village replied and said he thinks he had spotted Mitko. Clair & Anna went to the village and met with the kind Mayor, and who should they fine? Handsome, Marvellous Mitko.

He is now safe at the shelter, with his own kennel, pack walks, regular good food but most importantly NO CHAIN!

 Mitko in 3 words:Curious, gentle and  always happy
Age/Date of birth:7 years
Height:45 cm
Mixing with dogs:Yes
Personality:Mitko is a very gentle soul. He gets along with all the dogs at the shelter. His favourite time is teatime when he does the Mitko dance. He loves attention of people. Now a full member of the packwalk!

You want to adopt?

That´s great! Send us a message with a short description of you and why you want to adopt this dog. As soon as we have evaluated all requests we will get back to you. We really looking forward to your message.