My name is Leanne and I live in Cheshire, England.
I know Clair from Everyday stray from our school days.
I first became aware of rescue dogs in other countries after loosing my beloved French Bull dog Lily, I was heartbroken when we had to say goodbye to her.
I started looking online and saw the plight of many of these dogs and decided to adopt from abroad. I adopted my first rescue dog Pixie from Romania and 6 months later I adopted a second Romanian rescue Roxy.
Although the house was now filling up I still wanted to help in some way and was delighted when Clair & Neil asked me to join the team at Everyday stray.
I will be manning the Facebook page, helping with fund raising and supporting adopters and fosters in the Uk. I am also looking forward to fostering Chiquita who is currently living at the shelter in Bulgaria.