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Neil found Neve and her brother Noah at the side of a road in Yavorets, a village close to the shelter. They were clearly very hungry as they were fighting over a mouldy fish head.
They were brought to the shelter with their mum, Aggy and were placed in our quarantine area until fully vaccinated.
Both Neve and Noah are very happy, funny little characters, their tales are always wagging. They occasionally have little arguments with each other, for no apparent reason which is very funny. They are very beautiful little fluffy ones who have nothing but love, clearly very happy to have their safe space and really very pleased when it is feeding time.

Neve in 3 words:Curious, Cuddly & very pretty
Age/Date of birth:3 months
Height:30 cm
Mixing with dogs:Yes
A very gentle nature. Loves to be cuddled and attention of people.  nature.

Neve is very curious.



You want to adopt?

That´s great! Send us a message with a short description of you and why you want to adopt this dog. As soon as we have evaluated all requests we will get back to you. We really looking forward to your message.