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Dolly is one of five little puppies who were dumped in cardboard box next to a trash bin in Gabrovo. We received a call asking for help and we went immediately. They were so tiny and very vulnerable.

After a trip to the vet and testing negative for Parvovirus and Gardia they came to the shelter and were placed in our quarantine area, safe from infection until fully vaccinated.

Dolly, Taylor, Avril, Billie and Miley are all little singing puppies so they have been named after female singing pop and rock stars. Do you know which Dolly she has been named after?

Dolly is super cuddly and loves the attention from people. She has a very gentle personality

Dolly in 3 words:Curious, Cuddly & loves talking & singing
Age/Date of birth:2.5 months
Height:25 cm
Mixing with dogs:Currently in quarantine
Personality:Dolly is a very cuddly little girl, she loves people’s attention. She is quietly calm and curious.

You want to adopt?

That´s great! Send us a message with a short description of you and why you want to adopt this dog. As soon as we have evaluated all requests we will get back to you. We really looking forward to your message.