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Barley lived on a farm with her mother Poppy and sisters Harley and Summer.

A dear friend of Everydaystray, Anna had been feeding the dogs and checking they were okay as the farmer did not seem interested in them.

One day Anna visited and saw that Barley had been hit by a car and was limping. She contacted us to ask for help. After some time she and Neil managed to catch Barley and her sister Summer. Barley was taken to the vets for medical treatment. Luckily nothing was broken but she had damage to her knee. The vet said as she is young and still growing we need to wait one month before she receives treatment/surgery.

Barley came back to the shelter with Summer.

She is a super friendly and loving girl. She loves cuddles and gets along with all the dogs at the shelter. She has a beautiful and gentle personality.

Barley soon fitted in on the pack walks and loves to explore the fields and woods, usually in her gentle manner not running wildly like some of the other dogs.


Barley in 3 words:Cuddly, loving & very friendly
Age/Date of birth:8 months
Height:50 cm
Mixing with dogs:Yes
Loving and full of fun. Barley loves exploring her new environment.

A loving, cuddly girl.

When she is really happy she will smile at you.


You want to adopt?

That´s great! Send us a message with a short description of you and why you want to adopt this dog. As soon as we have evaluated all requests we will get back to you. We really looking forward to your message.