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Laurel was found a couple, abandoned in their village and in danger of being hurt. They asked if we could help as they had many dogs and cats themselves. We had space at the shelter so the man, Alan drove over 2 hours to bring them to the shelter.

They settled in really well and it soon became very obvious they were very people focused and super cuddly.

Laurel, when not eating, drinking, having cuddles in his spare time …… likes to chase the mop! Cheeky boy.

He has a very gentle and beautiful nature.

Laurel in 3 words:Smart, gentle and very curious
Age/Date of birth:2 months
Height:20 cm
Mixing with dogs:Currently in quarantine
Personality:Gentle and very loving. Lots of energy. Always ready for a cuddle. A beautiful little soul.




You want to adopt?

That´s great! Send us a message with a short description of you and why you want to adopt this dog. As soon as we have evaluated all requests we will get back to you. We really looking forward to your message.